Towler Life

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

With the exception of starting loads of laundry for Baby T's clothes, blankets, and sheets, the nursery is (dare I say) complete!  After getting two lampshades yesterday and putting the finishing touches on some side tables, we are feeling accomplished and just about ready to bring home Baby.  And good thing because we are running out of time with just over 4 weeks left!!

Before I reveal the nursery in it's beautiful and serene entirety, I want you to check out this transformation...Remember back to a weekend in Suwanee when we were desperately trying to find some function and style for our downstairs entryway when we decided to give these wine racks a face lift?!

Well, they made it to Raleigh and stayed orange for only a little while.  As we made plans for the nursery I was convinced we could somehow utilize them.  First, they got a coat of white paint.  Unfortunately I was never able to get my hands on miniature drawers that would fit where wine bottles are supposed to slide in.  So, we went with plan B-  Dan cut out the racks and make shelves!  

Throw in a few baskets (love these two with chalkboard labels on them that I can write on-  7 bucks a piece at TJ Maxx!) and they fit in perfectly with the space!

Oops!  Need one more skinny basket or drawer up top, then we will be done:)

So here's the big reveal-  A 360 degree view of Baby T's new digs...

A little art project I put together with some extra fabric swatches- mama and baby whale + mama and baby ducklings, a little pink and a little blue.  Can't go wrong!

Couldn't leave out the ones Abbey decided to make an appearance in-  hope she's ready to star in her new role as big sister!

In the mean time I'm continuing to spoil her rotten now that we are on summer vacation before life as she knows it changes forever-

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I'm excited to share some finished pictures of nursery projects we've been working on over the last few weeks.

First up- Display Shelves:

We bought two pieces of wood (already painted white) from Lowe's, one measuring 4 ft, the other 2 ft.  After we spray painted our left over corbels/brackets that we used for the bar in the kitchen (and the coke table in the study), we screwed them to the wood.  Then the shelves were ready to hang and decorate!  This was a cheap project that looks great and functions to display some special and sentimental items-

Up next- Basket Light:

Remember these retro and outdated basket lights we got years ago from Dan's old boss?

You'll remember that after we painted one brown, we utilized it immediately in our kitchen back in Suwanee then put it to good use here in our guest room.  The second one also survived the trip to Raleigh and has finally made its way out of the storage closet and into the nursery.  We painted it all white, bought a light kit, and hung it above the window seat-  it looks fabulous and turns the space into the cozy little reading nook we envisioned from the start.  Loving it!!

Finally- Floating Book Shelves with Hanging Storage:

Floating book shelves seem to be quite the nursery trend right now.  Ask anyone with a baby or toddler on their hands and they will tell you that of course they have floating book shelves in the baby's room.  We knew we wanted to incorporate some into our nursery to display Baby T's growing library but we weren't sure exactly what we wanted it to look like.  Then Dan came across our inspiration picture (on Pinterest of course!).

The book display was just what we wanted to do and the hanging storage baskets were such a neat addition we figured we could come up with a way to make the whole thing happen.  Now I've found most people have purchased their floating shelves from Ikea, but if you know us then you know we aren't going to buy our floating book shelves.  We are going to make them.  And we did!  With two pieces of molding from Home Depot, a nail gun, and some L- brackets for mounting.



And for the baskets we simply hung an adjustable curtain rod, painted two black garden hooks white, then hung two lined baskets that were buy one get one free at Michael's.  

And for the completed product...

I'm sure the baskets will be filled in no time with stuffed animals, toys, and more books!

We are so excited with the way it is all coming together.  Here are a couple more pictures to help you get a feel for the room so far-

Only 6 more weeks and 3 days (give or take) until we meet Baby T-  but who's counting?