I've been trying not to use the word bored (which can prove difficult after a week in an empty house and a Tropical Storm in your midst). I have a friend on Facebook who not only tells her kids that "bored" is a dirty word but also says that "to admit you're bored means that you are not smart enough to figure out what to do with your time." Well, today I was so smart I decided I could do a last minute master bedroom paint job ALL BY MYSELF. Originally we thought we would paint the bedroom in addition to the kitchen at the beginning of this transitional week, but I just couldn't figure out what color I wanted it to be. I was having major painters-block when I stumbled upon some inspiration yesterday while killing time on the computer. I found this color combo inspired by the Bavarian region in Germany (so says the website) and I thought it had such an interesting mix of colors, many that we will be bringing with us from existing throw pillows and accents that I immediately decided I wanted a "duck egg" accent wall and "earthy pink" on the other walls...
Yellow ochre + soft browns + earthy pink + warm grey + duck egg + roof tile redWith Bavaria on the brain, I went to Home Depot and stewed in front of the paint samples for a while, deciding that I liked "Marina Isle" and "Havana Cream".
Back home and ready to get started I went to work on the Marina Isle accent wall. It didn't take me too long, thanks to the brilliant invention of the edger and I thought I was on a roll. That was until I moved over to try and cover the existing dark brown walls with my light Havana Cream. This is why people prime. Two coats it is! So I made it a little less than half way around the room with two coats of dreamy Havana Cream swearing I will never paint another wall again without the help of a loving and devoted husband by my side. There is a work in progress "before and after" to show you (the Marina Isle is photographing much bluer than it looks in real life).
Here's to hoping I can finagle Dan into helping me finish this mess I've gotten myself into and that our bedroom is transformed into a Bavarian bungalow in no time!
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