Towler Life

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Things are moving right along over here in terms of the backyard transformation.  Much faster than we anticipated when we first laid the pathway about 2 weeks ago.  Earlier in the week we jumped to the end of the to-do list, completing Phase 5 (give or take) of the renovation with the hanging of our outdoor lighting.  When we found these perfect + classic + little cafe lights on clearance at Target, we knew we couldn't pass them up.  Even without the rest of our plans completed, these glowing beauties add such an inviting + intimate touch to our outdoor space-  I even spied our neighbor peaking out her backdoor the other night when Dan plugged them in for the first time; no doubt thinking how cute our yard is becoming:)

And thanks to another sale at our local Plow and Hearth (who helped us furnish our tractor seat barstools), we were able to seal the deal on Phase 4 of the reno. and order a fire pit.  Fall can't come soon enough!  It should be delivered early next week-  stay tuned for the reveal.

Naturally, an incoming fire pit means we need the perfect place to put it.  So, Dan got to work this afternoon on a little patio to house the new addition.  Again, we owe a big Thank You to the previous homeowners-  although we are only halfway there, this will be a free of charge project with the exception of the sand we had to pick up to even the ground and fill in the spaces.  Just beyond the fence we found the bricks and blocks needed to make the fire pit patio.

Here you see Dan digging the outline, deciding how to lay the bricks, settling on a design, and getting to work with the sand.  

Here's a little perspective on where all of this groundbreaking activity is taking place- see those bricks to the left of the swing... (Don't mind those leaves on our pathway- our trees have been unsure of the season for some time now)

Abbey and I helped of course, but we also enjoyed other aspects of being outside...  

Like frisbee and the new swing!  

Plus, I snapped a picture of our garden-  looking good huh?  Hope we see some actual cucumbers sprouting out soon...

And finally, after some vacillating, our state art is at home in the powder room.  What an excellent coincidence that these colors work so well with our existing knick-knacks!  

Happy Saturday to you-  and GO Dawgs!!

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